''Tis the season to be jolly'
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la'' 
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I just like to greet you about your Christmas Vacation. Was it great? Was it boring? Did you spent it alone? How was it?Well, in this post, I'm going to give you some tips to make your Christmas Vacation worth it. But before that let me have a short introduction about Christmas.
Christmas is one of the most awaited season of the year.It is also an annual festival commemorating birth of Jesus Christ , observed most commonly on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.
Christmas to me is a celebration, which includes spending time with my family, decorating the entire house, inside and out, and giving present, for the people I love. Doing this with the people I love is what means the most to me. Spending time together with my family is what necessarily happen every Christmas, since we have to take rest form schooling. Decorating for Christmas is so much fun. Before December ends, my mother always went to mall, buying so many decorations for our house to feel the presence of Christmas. We also attended Dawn Mass and always wishing to complete it but it never happen anyway. :(((
But the most important day on Christmas Holiday is at Christmas Eve, where we had to woke up at 12:00 am to welcome the birthday of our savior, Jesus Christ.This time also happens when we have to prepare the “Noche Buena” that will serve as our food for the most awaited celebration of the year.
... And that's how i spent my Christmas Holiday together to the people I love. :)